BookCourt is how you reserve a court for up to a year in advance. First you will name your match at the top, we have it named "Wednesday Match" as an example. You then choose the date, time, and player count for the match you want to create. You can select up to 8 players on your reservation. You can choose to reserve the court for one hour or two hours. You then choose between singles (1 v 1) or doubles (2 v 2).
After you select your criteria, you will be taken to this screen. It will list your username as the host, the date and time you chose, and the price based on the time you chose. Below that will be the Player List. This is where you can add players, and you do that by pressing the Add Player blue button.
The total cost of the court reservation is split between the players unless you select the box that says "Host pays for everyone." For more information on payment and pricing, see our pricing model help article.
To add a player to your court reservation, you can choose a friend you already have, invite someone who is not already on the app, or create an open play slot that anyone can join.
After you confirm your reservation, it will take you to your bookings page. Your matches will be listed here.