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Invite a friend, book a court, join open play, learn to play

Written by Livvie Hurley
Updated over 2 months ago

On the homepage, you are able to see your bookings, activities, and history on the top three tabs. Bookings are the reservations for courts, events, and open play you have made, and you can see them under the Bookings tab. Activities shows you the schedule of events for a selected date if you're interested in registering for an event, clinic, league, or tournament. There are filters you can turn on and off to search for exactly what type of activity you're looking for. History will show you your events and matches you have completed.

You can also see your bookings without going to the bookings tab, which you can find under the header "Your Bookings" on the homepage. Also under that you will see our Featured Events at that moment in time. Featured Events can be anything from classes to clinics to tournaments.

You can do almost everything just from the homepage. BookCourt is how you can book a court reservation up to a year in advance. Join Open Play is where you can drop in and play anytime. Learn To Play is where you'll be able to sign up for lessons, which we call Learn to Play. For more information on BookCourt, Join Open Play, and Learn to Play see their respective help articles.

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